Al & Son Fine Arts

The very best impression that $$$ can buy.

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Custom Framing

We at Al & Son Fine Arts consider our custom framing workmanship an original work of art. We pride ourselves for being able to bring together the right frame to complement your painting, photo and most precious memories.

We can frame anything.

We can frame artwork for the walls of large facility, a Boy Scout pocket knife, a rare butterfly collection, a granddaughters hand print on kindergarten construction paper, museum framing for original one of a kind artwork, a #1 Consumer Reports rating for each regional office of a national company or a painting for the proud parents young artist.

We are confident we can frame anything for you as well.  We welcome one piece frame projects for individuals, and will work with corporate clients and designers for multi piece projects.  Over 95% of our work comes from repeat customers or referrals of friends and family.  We know the price and quality of work is great, with today's gas prices, when customers come from all over to our facility to have us do their custom framing.  Have a question about a custom picture frame, or mirror Contact Us we will be happy to help.

 The Gallery




Al and Son Fine Arts designs are from the extensive experience of living life from military and civilian perspective.



